

A powerful CRM microservice providing various SaaS solutions, including email marketing, QR code generation, and leads management, designed to streamline business operations.


  • Leads ManagementEfficient lead tracking and nurturing with automation and CRM integration.
  • Loyalty and RewardsIntegrated loyalty programs and rewards systems to increase customer retention.
  • Email MarketingAutomated campaigns and personalized communications to boost engagement.
  • Point of SalesSeamless point-of-sale integration ensuring smooth and secure transactions.
  • E-CommerceRobust online storefront with secure payment processing and streamlined order management.
  • QR Code GenerationDynamic QR code creation for marketing, tracking, and inventory purposes.
  • EtcAdditional features to support various business processes and customer needs.


  • Node.jsNode.js
  • ExpressExpress
  • BootstrapBootstrap
  • RabbitMQRabbitMQ
  • JenkinsJenkins